Untitled (Le Mont Analogue), 1999, oil on canvas, 114 x 146cm. Private collection, France

Nageuse, 1998, oil on canvas, 170 x 250. Private collection

LALA, 1999, oil on canvas, 120 x 80cm. Private collection, France

Eyal devant son tableau, 1999, oil on canvas, 140 x 140. St Gregoire Public Library collection

Untitled, 1999, oil on canvas, 153 x 190cm. Private Collection, Israel

Sysyphe, 1999, oil on canvas, 114 x 146cm. Private collection, France

Untitled (bathroom), 1999, oil on canvas, 96 x 324cm (diptych). Private collection, France

Untitled (bathroom, 1st version), 1999, oil on canvas, 96 x 324cm (diptych). Private collection, France

Tableau Noir, 1999, oil on canvas, 153 x 183cm. Private collection, USA

Tableau Noir, 1999, oil on canvas, 120 x 150cm. Private collection, France

Tableau Noir, 1999, oil and canvas on canvas, 65 x 90cm

Untitled, 1999, oil on canvas, 96 x 380cm (triptych). Private collection, France

Untitled (Le Mont Analogue), 1999, oil on canvas, 114 x 146cm. Private collection, France
Nageuse, 1998, oil on canvas, 170 x 250. Private collection
LALA, 1999, oil on canvas, 120 x 80cm. Private collection, France
Eyal devant son tableau, 1999, oil on canvas, 140 x 140. St Gregoire Public Library collection
Untitled, 1999, oil on canvas, 153 x 190cm. Private Collection, Israel
Sysyphe, 1999, oil on canvas, 114 x 146cm. Private collection, France
Untitled (bathroom), 1999, oil on canvas, 96 x 324cm (diptych). Private collection, France
Untitled (bathroom, 1st version), 1999, oil on canvas, 96 x 324cm (diptych). Private collection, France
Tableau Noir, 1999, oil on canvas, 153 x 183cm. Private collection, USA
Tableau Noir, 1999, oil on canvas, 120 x 150cm. Private collection, France
Tableau Noir, 1999, oil and canvas on canvas, 65 x 90cm
Untitled, 1999, oil on canvas, 96 x 380cm (triptych). Private collection, France